Starring Dane Brandt-Lubart
Dane shares his personal story of life with autism,
using musical performance and informative monologue.
Audience members of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities love our show! Scroll down to see what students, educators, parents, mental health professionals, and others say:

"The best decision I made all year was to book Dane Brandt-Lubart to perform at my school. He was fabulous. The show was funny, thoughtful, entertaining, and so moving. Afterward, students and teachers told me that Dane had just given them their best assembly ever--and these are NYC kids who aren’t easily impressed! His show helped our entire community become more empathetic."
Richard Brownstone
International School of Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
"Dane's presentation to our school was powerful, educating, and very moving. Dane didn't lecture us on how to behave or react with people on the autism spectrum; he led us on a journey within ourselves so we could naturally find appropriate ways to support and include him and others. Because he shared his personal story and feelings, I was reminded of how much kindness, patience, and compassion can do for people dealing with autism, but really, for all of my students with their learning specificities. I think Dane succeeded beautifully in reaching both students and teachers, and did so with depth and elegance."
Emilie Berger
International School of Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
"Dane and his band drew repeated standing ovations at our fundraising gala audience from hundreds of donors, parents alumni, education and mental health professionals-- and a former New York State governor. Dane's moving display of idealism and activism truly reingovorated our guests' commitment to improving the lives of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities."
Vishu Grover
Executive Director
Legacy High School
Queens, NY
"We were stunned at the power and beauty of the production and Dane's inspired performance. The audience laughed, cried, and learned. What a perfect vehicle to teach people of all ages and backgrounds about autism and Asperger's Syndrome while advocating for compassion, acceptance, and respect."
Regina Wessel
School Principal
The Child School
Queens, NY

"I LOVED it!! It felt so good to see someone like me up there using entertainment to teach people who don't understand about autism. The show made me feel good about myself and it will teach neuro-typicals to be better people towards others who are so-called 'different'."
Henry Houghton
24 years old
"Dane's performance was emotional and thought provoking. He really changed my view of what it means to be autistic or have an intellectual disability.. I can tell that he changed the hearts and minds of my classmates as well. Dane convinced me that you can persevere and succeed in life no matter who you are if you never give up, and no matter, what you keep believing in yourself. "
Lauren Wilkes
7th Grader
"Awesome! Dane gives a great entertainment experience that could really change how some kids and even adults bully us and put us down. Anyone seeing this show will learn to respect and understand people like me with autism. Thanks Dane!"
Shlomo Orenstein
19 years old
"As a person on the autism spectrum myself, I really anticipated the opportunity to see "My Life On The Spectrum-A Tuneful Rally" and I was not disappointed! It was a joy to see! When he discussed discrimination, he did it in a way that was spot on, yet not overly frightening. Dane teaches his audience that being autistic is not a bad thing at all. (He's right!) I highly recommend this show to both those on the spectrum and neurotypicals who want to learn what it's like to live with autism."
Joan Hill
Camphill Village USA, Copake, NY

"Dane’s one-man show is authentic, thought provoking and inspiring! We were enthralled by his honest and entertaining portrayal of his journey to overcome the obstacles, stigmas and challenges one faces living with a disability and we were impressed with his talent. Dane – you are the embodiment of our belief that Uniqueness is POWER!”
Helen Bosch
CEO, Vista Life Innovations
"Our community has a diverse group of elderly residents, both neurotypical and those with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Their reaction to watching "My Life on the Spectrum" was joy, inspiration, and relief at hearing these important stories and issues brought to the stage by an extraordinary autistic actor/singer. There is nothing like this show out there and it needs to reach a wide audience because it entertains while increasing understanding, compassion, and acceptance towards some of our society's most vulnerable souls."
Onat Sanchez-Schwartz
Camphill Ghent--Elders in Community
Chatham, NY
"We at the Jewish Community Center were so fortunate to have Dane share his story with us! He and his band provided an exciting and professional level of entertainment while carrying forth a strong message about the needs and rights of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. His passionate performance spoke powerfully to our audience, and his inspiring words rang true for all of us."
Caitlin McInerrney
Program Director: Adaptations
Jewish Community Center/Manhattan
"Dane has a keen ability to invite strangers into his experience and life's journey through story telling and musical performance. I found myself alternating between laughing, crying, and singing along with the music. This show is similar to an eye-opening novel or film that moves you so deeply that you are forever changed from having experienced it. I am beyond grateful to have had the chance to meet Dane and hear his story."
Mollie Gibson
Center for Special Needs
Jewish Community Center/Manhattan
"Dane and his show are unique. Besides the fact that he is a talented performer and has a well-honed act, his story has a special power to touch hearts and minds. We are all more likely to pay attention to someone’s story if they are speaking from personal experience. Those who are on the spectrum, or have family members or friends on the spectrum, are able to feel both seen and inspired. Others are given an insight into realities they have not contemplated or understood. The audience for "My Life on the Spectrum" come away with greater self-compassion and compassion for others. As a psychotherapist, I understand that both are needed for change to happen."
Gretta Keene, LCSW, CST

"As a parent of an adult child on the spectrum, I found My Life on the Spectrum very personal and moving. So much of the show reminded me of our own struggles and overcoming them. I would recommend this amazing and informative show to everyone."
Kim Navarre
"This important tour-de-force of art in action needs to reach as many people as possible. Its powerful and entertaining message could change the world."
Romina Ladner
"I have an autistic son Dane's age, so this show was incredibly healing and inspiring for me. I think EVERYBODY - neurotypical AND autistic - should experience this firsthand."
Diane Magnani

Dane's ability to entertain, educate, and move his audience was truly wonderful. And the back-up band and interspersed video productions were professional and compelling.
Donna Trinkoff
Artistic Producer
Amas Musical Theatre
Dane's show is thought-provoking, sweet, touching, and filled with humor and honesty. This show and Dane's important message need to be shared as widely as possible. No matter who you are, you will learn, grow, and benefit from seeing this performance.
Lori Funk